
Green lights ahead for garage condo project

Gearspace Garage Condos Austin

Smart Austin Concierge

September 15, 2022

​​AUSTIN – Gearspace is developing a six-acre project consisting of 11 standalone buildings housing 68 multi-purpose, individually owned garage condos, customized for each owner’s personal use.

The project at ​14714 Fitzhugh Rd. between Austin and Dripping Springs will have condos ranging from 1,600 to 3,500 sf.

Each unit will include a 14-ft by 14-ft garage door and a mezzanine with 12 ft of clearance, tall enough to accommodate car lifts and most motorhomes.

The condos will have drywall, lighting, a mezzanine with a staircase, heating, and air conditioning, as well as water and sewer utility connections. Select units will have rooftop terraces. The condos can be used for car collections, studio spaces, personal gyms and more.

A $5,000 deposit is required to hold a garage condo and is fully refundable. Gearspace plans to begin delivering the units to owners in early 2023.

Want more information on purchasing a Garage Condo? Complete the form below.


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Create a photorealistic image in the style of professional photography that combines the key elements of the provided article into a unified scene. The scene should depict the current weather as partly cloudy, with the approach of a thunderstorm in the evening - consider the colours of the sky at such times. The architectural styles should be diverse, showcasing a unique high-rise, traditional single-family homes and modern buildings - all generic alternatives to avoid trademark infringement. Each building should be unique, with no repetitions. Aim towards creating an engaging scene that is both striking and memorable, without the inclusion of any text, signs, labels, or symbols.
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